It is not about size

In many cases and for many clients, the size of a law firm is not of much importance. What is important may differ from client to client, however the following more or less general concepts will undoubtedly play a role: the attitude of the professional, the quality of the services provided, timely response, personal attention, the ability to stand in the client’s shoes, creativity and pricing.

Law firm marketing should therefore focus on the clients and not on the firm itself. Many law firms put too much emphasis on their size, the number of offices and the huge building they occupy, their international networks and their success stories. I have not really done any research into this, but I would be surprised if there are any law firms who mention and discuss their failures or cases lost, on their website.

It also seems somewhat silly to call oneself ‘dedicated’, because isn’t that what being a professional is all about? And if a law firm claims that its lawyers are business-focused, whose business do they have in mind? Their own? And does dedication not come with the hourly rate, like being highly motivated and an expert?

Law is a people’s issue. Clients prefer people to buildings. They are seeking assistance from an expert they can trust. An expert who is able to listen and who adds value to their case. For law firms it is important to have a clear picture of the kind of clients they wish to serve and they should focus on fulfilling the needs of those clients instead of offering a broad range of services. Do you want to be part of a firm from the past or one of the future? Do you wish to sell hours or intellectual capacity?

It goes without saying that a law firm’s ability to focus on its clients instead of selling its expertise may be limited by factors like the small market it operates in. Nevertheless, it seems advisable to regularly question your goals and the image of your firm that you wish to propogate.

Karel Frielink
Attorney (Lawyer) / Partner

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